Highlight the advantages of your ingredients or food products

Assessment of nutritional values and communication opportunities

By calculation or laboratory analysis

We evaluate the nutritional values of your products based on theoretical data or assist you in the selection of nutrients / active ingredients to be measured and in the interpretation of analytical results.

Identification of nutrition and health claims

We guide you in highlighting claims on your products with regard to their regulatory compliance, scientific interest and consumer understanding.

Would you like to know more about your range?

Critical analysis of revenues

Naturalness and clean label: Your ingredients or products under the microscope

We help you to see more clearly in the identification of controversial additives and substances or the selection of organic / natural ingredients to simplify your recipes and give them nutritional added value.

Nutriscore calculation

Our calculation tool quickly identifies the Nutriscore of your products and the positioning of your competitors. We offer you reformulation options to improve your Yuka / Open Food Facts evaluation.

Process impact

From raw foods to ultra-processed products, we help you evaluate the impact of processing processes on the nutritional quality of food (germination, fermentation, cooking, extrusion, etc.).


of people under 35 pay attention to the Nutriscore (Nielsen Study 2019)


of French households prefer organic/local products (Nielsen 2019 study)

An adjusted monitoring perimeter and tailor-made deliverables according to your needs

Selection of relevant information sources according to your field of activity

The information is targeted, rigorously selected to avoid “drowning” you in a mass of useless information.

Choice of the type of deliverables

Because access to information can be more or less intuitive or pleasant depending on the means of dissemination chosen, different formats are possible: push-mails, monitoring bulletin, on-site re-transmission…

NutriFizz is approved as a Research Tax Credit (CIR) and Innovation Tax Credit (CII) for the period 2018-2020

NutriFizz is approved as a Research Tax Credit (CIR) and Innovation Tax Credit (CII) for the period 2018-2020